Aerial photo from west of LeClair Headgate looking east with Dike #1 in the center of the image.
Taken July 5, 2009
with ~8000cfs at USGS 06227600 NEAR KINNEAR, WY

Click on any image for larger photo

Aerial photo from west of LeClair Headgate looking east with Dike #1 in the center of the image.
Taken June 27, 2011, with ~9200cfs, crested July 1 with ~12500

Fall colors and river looking east 2 miles east of the LeClair Diversion Dam
Taken Oct. 17, 2011

LeClair Diversion dam taken from south looking north

Oct. 11, 2015

Area east of LeClair Diversion Dam low water

Oct. 11, 2015

Area of LeClair Diversion Dam and Dike #1 taken from 1 mile east looking west the "north channel" is in the lower left of image.

October 13, 2015

LeClair Diversion Dam cleaning first day taken just east of the dam looking west.  Riverbed is dry with the 90cfs flow diverted to the canal to allow the work.
October 13, 2015

LeClair Diversion Dam cleaning day 1
October 13, 2015

Leclair Diversion Dam area and area of Dike #1 taken just above the "north channel" looking west
 October 14, 2015

LeClair Diversion Dam cleaning day 2
October 14, 2015

LeClair Diversion Dam cleaning day 2
October 14, 2015

LeClair Diversion Dam cleaning day 3 the morning after Midvale Irrigation opened their diversion dam and sent 520cfs of water. Here is the trackhoe sitting on river bed deposits with 120cfs flowing past the dam, 400cfs going into the LeClair headgate.  The diversion dam weir crest is 3' below the surface of the water between the post in the foreground. the pile in the center and the cut in the south side 165' away.
October 15, 2015

LeClair Diversion Dam cleaning day 3 from 500' downstream.
October 15, 2015
Leclair Diversion Dam area and area of Dike #1
October 15, 2015

Compare this October 13, 2015 image to July 5, 2009 above to see how far the river meander at the Dike #1 location has moved east in 6 years.

2013 Satellite image from Google showing the area with river meander lines from 1891 and more resent course.  Also the boundary and riparian river center of the LeClair Property.